ADHD and Common Cognitive Weaknesses

While we do not diagnose or treat ADHD, our programs have improved the cognitive performance of clients with many diagnoses, including ADHD.

Attention deficit disorders begin in childhood, with up to 70 percent of children with ADHD continuing to struggle into adolescence and adulthood. The ability to pay attention is one of the brain's underlying core cognitive skills.

In addition to attention struggles, kids and adults with ADD/ADHD cansuffer from other cognitive weaknesses well. Over a six-year period, 5,416 children and adults with ADHD/ADD came to LearningRx. We tested the cognitive performance of these clients, and discovered below-average performance in a number of core skills, including processing speed, long-term memory, and broad attention—all skills that our programs target and strengthen.

If you or someone you love is struggling with attention, this quick test will help you catch a glimpse of what's going on in the brain that is making life harder than it needs to be. In about three minutes, you'll discover why certain challenges exist and learn which brain skills need to be targeted and strengthened in order to see real change. And because this test is based on observations of behavior, you can take it for yourself or for another adult or child you know well.

Compared to others of the same age and gender, this behavior occurs:

  • Less Often
  • About The Same
  • Slightly More
  • Considerably More
  • Significantly More
1. Has difficulty maintaining attention
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2. Takes a long time to complete tasks
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3. Poor reading comprehension
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4. Often asks to have things repeated
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5. Poor sense of direction/map reading skills
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6. Has difficulty understanding stories or jokes
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7. Has difficulty organizing activities
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8. Generally does things slowly
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9. Makes spelling errors in written assignments
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10. Has difficulty recalling stories and jokes
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11. Jigsaw puzzles are difficult or avoided
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12. Thoughts and materials are poorly organized
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