Struggling in School is SO Last Year…Or it Can Be!

Researchers say most learning struggles are caused by weak cognitive skills—yet these very skills can be strengthened. Imagine if your child could tackle the coming school year with stronger skills in attention, memory, logic, even overall processing speed. The impact could be life changing! At LearningRx, we’ve helped nearly 100,000 kids and adults experience the benefits of stronger cognitive skills. Can we help your child, too? Let’s find out.

Find the Cause

Take our free 3-minute survey and discover:

  • Whether or not the struggles you’re seeing are strong indicators of weak cognitive skills
  • Which weak skills may be causing frustrations by making learning and life harder than they need to be
  • Specific skills that, if strengthened, could make struggling in school a thing of the past

This free survey is based on observations of behavior, so you can take it for yourself, for your child, or for anyone else you know well. Rate the following behaviors by how often you think they occur, compared to how often you think they occur for other people of the same age and gender. Don’t overthink, just answer with your first, instinctive response.

Compared to others of the same age and gender, this behavior occurs:

  • Less Often
  • About The Same
  • Slightly More
  • Considerably More
  • Significantly More
1. Has difficulty maintaining attention
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2. Takes a long time to complete tasks
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3. Poor reading comprehension
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4. Often asks to have things repeated
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5. Poor sense of direction/map reading skills
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6. Has difficulty understanding stories or jokes
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7. Has difficulty organizing activities
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8. Generally does things slowly
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9. Makes spelling errors in written assignments
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10. Has difficulty recalling stories and jokes
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11. Jigsaw puzzles are difficult or avoided
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12. Thoughts and materials are poorly organized
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